Vision & Goals
These Vision and Goals are the underpinning of the Sub-Area Plan and are intended to guide planning, future development, and investment decisions in the NE Loop 410 and I-35 Regional Center Regional Center.
The NE I-35 and Loop 410 Area Regional Center is a place where neighborhoods and businesses thrive and whose unique recreational, educational, and institutional assets draw residents and visitors alike. Its well-connected transportation networks integrate options for automobile, public transit, bicycle, and pedestrian travel allowing efficient access to everything the area has to offer – from entertainment, to parks and hike/bike trails, to businesses that meet day-to-day needs. The Regional Center supports its traditional industrial base, embraces economic development that fosters a balanced mix of live, work, and play options, and evolves in a way that sustains and protects its natural systems and environment.
Goal 1: Encourage economic development and business diversity that nurture positive community identity.
Goal 2: Promote community well-being and safety.
Goal 3: Create a connected transportation network that integrates multiple modes of transportation - including automobile, public transit, bicycle, and pedestrian - to efficiently serve the needs of multiple audiences including area residents, workforce commuters, commerce and trade, and visitors.
Goal 4: Expand and connect greenspace, parks, and trails.
Goal 5: Support sustainable development practices that encourage stewardship of the natural environment, create healthy neighborhoods, and minimize the risk of flooding.
What is a Vision Statement?
A vision statement describes the desired state of a place in the future. With community support, an effective vision can influence decisions and inspire action to move toward that idealized future. Goals further describe the outcomes that will support the realization of the vision. These, in turn, are supported by more specific recommendations and strategies that will implement the bigger-picture vision and goals. These strategies will involve specific proposed projects, programs, policies, and other means of achieving the community vision.
The NE I-35 and Loop 410 Area Regional Center Vision and Goals were developed with input from residents and community stakeholders through an iterative process of developing and refining these concepts. During early community engagement efforts, community members articulated important values and identified the NE I-35 and Loop 410 area's assets, challenges, and opportunities. This community input became the basis for the NE I-35 and Loop 410 Area Regional Center's Vision and Goals, which were refined with feedback from the Planning Team and participants at a second Community Meeting.
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